OWI 2nd offense-PAC- amended to Reckless Driving

A 911 call was placed by a bartender to the police for a "passed out" man in his vehicle in the parking lot of the bar.  The vehicle was running and the bartender could not wake the man.  Police arrived and the OWI investigation started.  The bad facts; the client had urinated in his pants (which the cops were able to see), the vehicle was running and the client was unable to successfully complete field sobriety tests.  

His test result was over the legal limit at a .09.  

After reviewing the case, we were able to challenge the blood test.  The state conceded our motion on the blood and the court suppressed the test result.

The case was still not over as the state had good evidence of impairment.  The case was resolved for a reckless driving ticket with a fine.  No jail time, no criminal conviction.  Client was very happy.